Taiwan Hardware Show 2019
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THS 2019台灣五金展即將於10月17日至10月19日於臺中國際展覽館(高鐵烏日站旁)舉行,本公司今年的攤位位於B16-C15,歡迎大家蒞臨參觀!
您可以藉由拜訪THS 2019 台灣五金展,來獲取更多展會相關訊息哦!

THS 2019 台灣五金展 交通位置圖

Dear friend,

Please be informed that we will attend THS 2019 at C16-B15 of Taichung International Exhibition Center from October 17 to 19, 2019.

Please visit us for more information about products during the show time.

You can gat more information from THS 2019 .

Position of Taichung International Exhibition Center